User Guide

Getting Started with Cherry Proxy

Global Proxy

Location Settings

Select Country/Region

Add the region flag to the authorization header to specify which country/region’s IP should handle the request. This parameter value is a case-insensitive country code, usually consisting of two letters. For example, DE represents a proxy from Germany, US represents a proxy from the United States, and VN represents a proxy from Vietnam. You can find more corresponding codes in the ISO Country Code Table.

Code Example

In this example, a request to is executed from a random IP in Germany:

curl -x -U "USERNAME-zone-custom-region-DE:PASSWORD"

Select State/Province

To obtain a proxy from a specific U.S. state, add the state flag to the authorization string. For example: region-US-state-california, region-US-state-arizona.

Code Example

In the following example, a request to is executed from a random IP in California, USA:

curl -x -U "USERNAME-zone-custom-region-US-state-arizona:PASSWORD"

Select City

Adding the city parameter allows you to target proxies at the city level. For example, adding region-US-city-peoria means the request will be processed using a proxy from Peoria, USA.

We support proxies in any city worldwide, but we do not guarantee availability in all cities. Most popular cities have good coverage with multiple proxy options available.

Code Example

In the following example, a request to is executed from a random IP in Peoria, USA:

curl -x -U "USERNAME-zone-custom-region-US-city-peoria:PASSWORD"

If you have any further questions, please contact your account manager or our support team: [email protected].