User Guide

Getting Started with Cherry Proxy

Global Proxy

Getting Started

The easiest way to set up residential proxies is by using the Endpoint Generator.

Log in to the dashboard, select residential proxies, and click on the Endpoint Generator. Choose the appropriate configuration parameters to integrate our proxies into your chosen tool. This is the fastest way to use residential proxies. Since Cherry Proxy residential proxies support both sticky and rotating types, sticky connections maintain the same IP for the set duration, while rotating connections assign a new IP for each request.

You can check your IP parameters using — these include the IP address, provider, country/region, city, postal code, ASN, organization name, and IP attributes.

Session Settings

Sticky IP

If you need to keep the same proxy, use a sticky IP. Add  sessid-abc12345-sessTime-15 to your username string, where abc12345 can be any random string, and 15 represents the retention time (any duration within 120 minutes is supported). Continue sending requests using this session ID, and you will receive the same proxy IP. Learn more here.

curl -x -U "USERNAME-zone-custom-sessid-abc12345-sessTime-15:PASSWORD"

Rotating IP

If you don’t need to keep the same proxy, use a rotating IP—each request will get a different IP.

curl -x -U "USERNAME-zone-custom:PASSWORD"

Location Settings


To send requests using proxies from the UK, simply add -region-GB to your username string after USERNAME-zone-custom. Below is an example using curl. You can find code samples for other languages here.

curl -x -U "USERNAME-zone-custom-region-GB:PASSWORD"


To send requests using proxies from England, UK, add -region-GB-state-england to your username string after USERNAME-zone-custom. Below is an example using curl. You can find code samples for other languages here.

curl -x -U  "USERNAME-zone-custom-region-GB:PASSWORD"


Here’s another example of a request sent through a proxy from London, UK. Add -region-GB-city-london to your username string to specify the city. Click here to learn more about city-level proxy targeting.

curl -x -U "USERNAME-region-GB-city-london:PASSWORD"


Our Residential Proxies support multiple protocols. Learn more about using HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS5 here.


Check out our integration tutorials for popular third-party tools such as AdsPower, Hubstudio, and BitBrowser.

You can also set up Residential Proxies using the Endpoint Generator.

Log in to the dashboard, select residential proxies, then click on the Endpoint Generator. Choose your parameters and get a list of endpoints to integrate our proxies with your chosen tool.

To view your usage statistics, generated traffic, and more, log in to the dashboard. You can also add proxy users (sub-users) and track their statistics separately.

If you have any further questions, please contact your account manager or our support team: [email protected]