Terms of Service
Last updated on December 15th, 2023 


We respect and protect the user's personal privacy and right. The following will introduce you to cherryProxy related matters and processing methods related to data and privacy. When you use cherryProxy, you are deemed to have agreed to the entire content of the terms of service. We may update the terms from time to time according to actual needs, and all interpretation rights belong to cherryProxy.

Cherry Proxy's multiple IP address proxy infrastructure solution, which provides users with IP addresses to connect to the Internet or access our data collection and proxy management solutions (the "System" and "Service"), is owned and maintained by Cherry Proxy and its affiliates (hereinafter - "Cherry Proxy", "we", "us" or "our"). The System is intended for research, personal and commercial use, and for lawful and legitimate purposes only, as described in this License Agreement and any applicable law. 


This license agreement ("Agreement") applies to all versions of the System, as well as any individual features and/or derivatives thereof. By clicking "Register" and registering the System or in any other way beginning to use the System, you (the "User") acknowledge that you have read this Agreement and have entered into a legally binding agreement with Cherry Proxy and that you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement and the Additional Support Services Agreement (if applicable, see separately). 


Use of the System constitutes User's agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement without qualification and without limitation. If User does not agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, User may not use or must immediately discontinue use of the System or any part, feature and function thereof. 


Unless otherwise expressly provided, any new features or functions that enhance or improve the System shall be governed by this Agreement. If the User is using the System on behalf of an organization, the User is agreeing to this Agreement for that organization. Users further acknowledge that they have the authority to act on behalf of such organization and, as representatives of such organization, undertake to comply with this Agreement. 


Limited License Grant 

Subject to User's agreement and continued compliance with this Agreement, Cherry Proxy grants User a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited license to access and use the System and Services for lawful personal, research, and commercial purposes. Cherry Proxy's prices do not include any applicable taxes, levies, and duties (VAT, withholding taxes, customs duties, or otherwise). User is responsible for payment of all such applicable taxes, levies or duties. 


Users agree that they will comply with all laws and regulations at all times while using the System. Cherry Proxy reserves the right to cease providing or supporting the System, any part thereof, the Services or any functional component of the System at any time, at which time the User's license to use the System or part thereof will be automatically suspended. In such event, Cherry Proxy shall not be required to provide refunds, benefits or other compensation to the user. We may unilaterally impose and enforce restrictions on the use of the System without any notice or warning, particularly when it is necessary to comply with the acceptable use of the System. We reserve the right to unilaterally deny access to the System, suspend users, or restrict their access to the System for any reason or no reason at all. 


The use of the Service is at the User's own risk and expense. It is the responsibility of the User to meet the technical and functional requirements and to use the electronic communication facilities required to access and use the Service. At all times, users will accept the risk of loss, theft or damage to any of their data. 


Prohibited Activities 

The following is a limited list of the types of activities that are prohibited on or through the System and Service. By using the System and Services, you agree not to assist, encourage, or cause others to use/use the System and Services for (collectively referred to herein as "Prohibited Activities"). 


Distribute cracked software, software, ROMs, viruses, adware, worms, Trojan horses, malware, spyware or any other similar malicious software and products or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, hijack, limit, destroy or negatively affect the functionality of any computer software, hardware, network or telecommunications equipment. 

Make any network resources unavailable to their intended users, including but not limited to through a "Denial of Service (DoS)" or "Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)" attack. 

Distribute any illegal content or encourage any illegal activity; (iv) Cause any damage to any third party computer or service or service interruption. 

Enhance or operate a service or entity that competes with the Services, or assist any other party to do so.